Spokane Chronicle from Spokane, Washington (2024)

1 I AN AN 7. Coeur d'Alene Celebrates Holiday A large holiday crowd watches the several hundred youngsters who participated Saturday in the children's parade: at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. The marching by children colorfully garbed in historical and fancy costumes, or entered in the pet division, was one of several the Lake City's annual Concluding events tonight parade at 8, fireworks at the pavilion in Coeur activities scheduled for Fourth of July celebration. will be a lighted boat at about 9:15 and dancing d'Alene's city park. 00 -J, Neal Evarts photos Several Inland Empire communities' queens were Janet Plonske, Miss Post Falls; Sue Solomon, Miss guests of the Coeur d'Alene Junior Chamber of Sandpoint; Margi Howard, Miss Coeur d'Alene RoCommerce at a pre-holiday banquet Friday night.

deo; Carolyn Davis, Miss Priest River; Judie Girls pictured are, from left to right: Seated- Young, Miss Down River (lone, and CarMary Phillips, Miss Harrison; Bernita Lien, Miss maine Deitz, the Coeur d'Alene Elks queen. The Coeur d'Alene; Sharon Carlson, Miss Spokane Val- mural in background portrays the Lake City's anley; Judy Griz, Miss Creston Valley, B. and nual Diamond Cup hydroplane races scheduled on Petty Runge, Miss Diamond Cup, and standing- Lake Coeur d'Alene, Sunday, July 24 Changes Told in Sugar Act WASHINGTON, July 4. (AP) Here is what the sugar bill passed by congress today provides: The President "shall determine the quota for Cuba for the balance of calendar year 1960 and for the three months period ending March 31, 1961, amounts as he shall find to be in the national interest." This means power to suspend all or part of the still unfilled 1960 Cuban quota, and to reduce or suspend purchases of Cuban sugar in the first three months of 1961. Authority to also take from Cuba the 156,000 ton extra quota to which she would be entitled under existing law to make up for anticipated deficits in 1960 production in Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

This tonnage would be allocated to the United States producers-if they can produce enough to fill it. Any amounts they can't supply could be purchased from other countries. Other Tonnage The rest of the tonnage taken from Cuba would be divided this way: To Panama, Costa Rica, Haiti, Formosa and The Netherlands, enough to raise their 1960 quotas to 10,000 tons. (These quotas now are as low as about 3000 tons.) To the Philippines, 15 per cent; and the remaining 85 per cent to the so called full duty countries which already have quotas. The 15 per cent and 85 per cent quotas would apply during the first three months of 1961.

If these purchases were less than the United States needs, the President would be empowered to buy the additional needed amounts from any foreign countries. AGRICULTURE Capital Office Being Set Up WALLA WALLA, July 4. (AP)-Clancy Jean, executive secretary of the Oregon wheat commission, will manage a new office for Western Wheat Associates at Washington, D. C. Directors of the market promotional organization for Pacific Northwest wheat announced the roffice 3 the growers, revised budget includes $28,765 for its cost.

Connell Chosen for Next Talks CONNELL, July 4. At a recent meeting of the farmers home administration's state advisory committee, held in Yakima, Connell was selected as the next meeting place. The twoday conference will be held July 20-29. Countries Seek Neutral View CONNELL. July 4.

Unable to agree on the Hatton area's petitions for transfer to Connell, consolidated school district, the reorganization committees of Franklin and Adams counties decided to ask the state superintendent of public instruction to appoint a neutral mittee to check on the proposals. Such a committee would be formed organization committeemen counties not infrom, volved. The Adams county board agreed with reservations declarling it might be all right to approve the petition of Sylvester Janosky and Lyle families to come into Connell, but not Hatton families. Jordan Seeks Fourth Term CLARKSTON, July Superior Court Judge Thomas Jordan announced he will seek reelection to a fourth term in the Tenth counties of Asotin, Columbia. district, He succeeded to the bench 10 years ago upon the retirement of Judge E.

V. Kuykendall of Pomeroy, and was reelected in and 1956. Judge Jordan is the only person to date who has announced his intention to file for the position. Clearwater Unit to Discuss Dam OROFINO, Idaho, July 4. R.

H. Oud, president of Clearwater Dams association. announced a board meeting of the group has been called for 5 p. m. Wednesday to discuss the progress of Bruce Eddy dam studies.

A wildlife report is due from the fish and wildlife service later this year. The association plans to show a film prepared by the army engineers on 10 years of development of rivers in the Northwest and will schedule a general meeting toward reorganization. Oud said that Oliver Lewis, former planning chief for the corps of engineers, now retired, recently met with some water resource people to assist in planning groundwork for a state organization. Oud said that he feels it is important to reactivate the Clearwater dams group this fall, and will ask representatives from other towns to praticipate. Building Plans Wait Approval SEATTLE, July 4.

(AP)-Congressional appropriations totaling more than $870,000 for plans and building of federal buildings at Richland and Dayton, now are on President Eisenhower's desk for final approval. Senator Warren G. Magnuson (D- advised Saturday that one of the bills sent to the President for signature calls for 000 for site acquisition and design work on a new $9,790,000 federal building at Richland. The other bill, Magnuson said, gives congressional approval to spend $288,700 for construction of a federal building at Dayton. Sum O.

K'd REARDAN, July Immediate 'entitlement $2937 of a tentative of $3917 to Reardan consolidated school district 210, to be used to help schools in a federally impacted area, has been approved by the federal health, education and welfare department, Lewis McKay, district superintendent, was advised. Cascade TV Lewiston, Channel 3 Ephrata, Channel 16 Pasco, Channel 19 Yakima, Channel 29 Monday 5, Bert Wells party: 5:30. Joe Palooka, 5:45, Huntley-Brinkley Reports: 6, Reports: 6:30, Huckleberry Hound: Texan: 7:30, Father Knows Best: 8, Peter Gunn: 8:30, Bold Journey: 9. TBA: 10, TBA; 11, Reports: 11:15, Jack Paar. Tuesday 7, Today: 8, Red Rowe: 8:30, Romper Room: 9:30, Concentration: 10, Truth or Consequences: 10:30.

Search for TomorGuiding Light; 11, Queen for A Day; 11:30, Loretta Young; 12, Milady's Theater: 12:30, As the World Turns; 1, Full Circle: 1:30, Houseparty: The Millionaire: 2:30, Verdict Is Yours: 3, Brighter Day: 3:15, Secret Storm; 3:30, Edge of Night: 4, Man Called 4:30, Uncle Jimmy's Clubhouse; 5. Bert Wells Party: 5:30. Joe Palooka: Reports: 5:45, 6:30. Huntley-Brinkley Woody Woodpecker: Reports; 7. People's Choice: 7:30.

Doble Gillis: 8. Richard Diamond; 8:30. Comedy Spot; 9, Scope: 9:30. TBA: 10. Tightrope: 10:30, Man Called 11, Reports; 11:15, Jack Paar, KWSC Radio Monday 5 p.

m. to 10. p. music and reports, and in addition. 7:30 p.

Brat Parror; 8 p. m. WSU Forum, Tuesday a. m. to 11.

p. music and reports, and In addition, 8:15 A. Morning Almanac; 9:30 84 m. Abe 2 p. m.

Readers Almanac. 3:15 p. Mid-Century Poets: 5 p. Lynn: The Silent War; 8:30, Fourth Row Center. KZIN Radio Monday Coeur d'Alene 11, to 11 p.

music and ports. and in addition. 9:45 A Van's Word, 12:05 p. -Jones Averages. KVNI Radio Coeur d'Alens 7:30 m.

to D. musia and reporta. Spokane Daily Chronicle, Monday, July 4, 1960. Frances Dey senroth Dies Water Accidents Claim Tots, Men By the Associated Press The Fourth of July holiday week end in Idaho has claimed two lives, both 4 year olds, in separate accidents. David Burrell, 4, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Calvin Burrel of Post Falls, waded into Hayden lake yesterday afternoon and drowned. Attempts to revive the boy failed, officers said. On Friday, 4-year-old Bonnie Lou Hale of Terreton, Idaho, was killed when she was struck by a car in Terreton. Bonner county authorities are searching Priest lake for the body of Donald L.

Katke, 33, N7711 Washington, Spokane, believed drowned while crossing the lake from a home he was building on Pinto point to Linger Longer lodge. An aluminum boat with motor he was using was found floating upside down yesterday about miles northeast of Kalispell island, Sheriff Don Maynard reported. Families on Outing The Burrell boy's death curred during an outing of the Calvin Burrell and Don Johnson families. Johnson is Burrell's nephew. They were into swimming suits when David ran into the water at a place the bottom slanted off steeply.

Johnson dived into the water immediately after him, but it was 15 minutes before he located and brought up the body. Artificial respiration was avail. Besides his parents, David is survived and by a brother, Michael, 2, two sisters, Julia, Mary, 7. Funeral services at the Assembly of God church in Post Falls are planned with Lyle Thompson officiating. funeral home of Rathdrum is handling arrangements for services.

Door Accident Injures Thumb VANTAGE, July 4. Clyde Duncan, 6, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Duncan, cut the end of his right thumb almost completely off when he caught it in the back edge of the trailer house door he shutting.

He was taken the Quincy was, hospital, where the thumb was cans sewed moved back here together. recently The from DunRiggins, Idaho. Cadet Trains ASOTIN, July Gary G. Onstot, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Alfred G. Onstot of Asotin, is receiving six weeks of training at the army reserve officer trainling corps summer camp at Fort Lewis, Wash. The training concludes July 29. A 1957 graduate of Anatone high school, a student at Washington State versity, TE Miss Universe Hopefuls Busy MIAMI BEACH, July 4. AN (AP)-A tight A schedule of luncheons, receptions and rehearsals for the 88 contestants began to take its toll of nerves today in the Miss Universe pageant.

Harassed hostesses grumbled about the way the entries were shuttled from convention hall to hotel and back again. "Go swimming? Don't be silly," said Mrs. Mari Mandel, a hostess from Miami Beach, "My girls Miss Colombia and Miss Florida- -haven't had time to do anything except rush from place to Newsmen and photographers found the going equally difficult. Time after time an interview or picture-taking session was cut short by officials trying to keep the girls on schedule for appearances elsewhere. Pole Missing "I hope we get this thing organized pretty soon, one apologetic pageant press agent said.

"It's going to be a real mess later on if we Nearly all contestants in the nine-day program had arrived late today, but Miss Poland was missing. Poland is the only communist satellite country remaining on the pageant list. "If she gets here by July 8, she can participate," an official said of the Polish representative. "We really don't know whether she is coming or The last big contingent arrived by bus last night. This included eight American girls and Universe entries from Germany, Holland, Denmark, gium, Luxemburg, Austria, Greece, Morocco, Jordan and Iceland.

Trip Enjoyed "It was just wonderful," Carina Verbeek of Benhaag, Holland, said of the three-day bus trip from New York. "Every. thing was so interesting and the people so friendly." Opening ceremonies of the pageant came tonight when the girls appeared on stage in costumes of their native country or state. Competition for Miss Universe actually takes place Friday and Saturday. Preceding the main event will be selection of Miss U.

S. A. Thursday, The American winner automatically becomes a contestant for Miss Universe. Although the hustle and bustle worried others, the girls appeared unaffected. They switched from place to place and managed to flash the smiles for which they are noted at the nod of almost any male head.

Board to Meet WARDEN, July board of directors of the Warden Chamber of Commerce will meet Wednesday at 8 p. m. at the Warden city hall. It will be the only meeting of the chamber this month. COLFAX, July Mrs.

Frances Deysenroth, 48, a lifelong Colfax resident, died last night in a Spokane hospital following a long illness. She was the wife of Jose Deysenroth, Colfax fire chief, and a daughter of the late Henry Miller, Colfax businessman. Her, affiliaincluded the Christian church, the American Legion auxiliary and the volunteer firemen's auxiliary. Funeral services will be held at 7:30 p. m.

Wednesday from Bruning's chapel. Burial will be in the Colfax cemetery, Kate A. Cullens BONNERS FERRY, Idaho, ly services are planned here tomorrow for Mrs. John R. Cullens, a resident of Boundary county since 1931, who died Thursday in a veteran's hospital in Portland, Kate A.

Cullens was born December 25, 1877, at Centerville, Iowa, and received her education in the midwest. She was a gradwate of the University of Kansas and the John Hopkins school of nursing. In World war I she served with the army nurses corps in France. On April 23, 1924 she was married to Mr. Cullens at Kansas City, Mo.

Prior to coming to Boundary county she taught school and also served as a school superintendent in Kansas and worked as a county nurse in Missouri. In 1931 the family came to Boundary county, settling on a farm on the North bench. Surviving are her husband, at home: a John C. Cullens, Topeka, a daughter, Mrs. Frances Malcolm, Bonners Ferry; a sister in Florida and one grandchild.

Services will be held tomorrow at 2 p. m. from the Hillerest Memorial chapel, with the Rev. Frank Summerour of the First Methodist church officiating. Burial will be in Grandview cemetery.

Murriel M. Bricker COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho, July Murriel M. Bricker, 51, died Friday evening at a hospital in Coeur d'Alene. She was born in Lamar, Colo. She lived here the last year, coming from Everett, Wash.

She is survived by her husband, Charles at the home; her mother, Mrs. Nily Redding, and her father, Charles Mooney, Tucker, Ga. The body was sent to the Solie Funeral home in Everett, where services and burial will be held tomorrow. Carl Lust ST. MARIES, Idaho, July Carl Lust, 49, assistant to the St.

Maries postmaster, died at the Benewah Community hospital here yesterday after a heart attack. He was born June 18, 1911, at Dusty, and had lived here since 1922, graduating from St. Maries high school in 1929. He was a veteran of air force service in World war II and was past commander of the American Legion post here. He also was past exalted ruler of the St.

Maries Elks lodge and past district deputy of the Elks. He managed the Legion's junior baseball team the last 10 years. Before his last employment he operated a service station here and was a Benewah county deputy sheriff for five years before World war II. Surviving are his wife Janet, the former Janet Gaskill, whom he wed at Coeur d'Alene October 21, 1949; his mother, Mrs. Katharine Lust, St.

Maries: two sis- ters, Mrs. Jean Maries, and Mrs. Salem, and Robert Lust, St. Lust, Seattle, and Sacramento, Calif. The body is at John Kole Leonard, St.

Wayne Walls, three brothers, Maries: Barry Clarence Lust, Browning's. LEWISTON, Idaho, July John Kole, 78, died of a heart attack Saturday. Mr. Kole was born July 10, 1881, at Holland City, and moved with his parents to Spot kane in 1887. Two years later they moved to Te Tekoa.

and then in 1900 to Reubens, Idaho, where they lived for 35 years. He was married to Minnie Denny, July 15, 1906, at. Reubens. They moved to Lewiston in 1935 when he retired from farming. Besides his wife he is survived by a son, John, of Lewiston; two daughters, Mrs.

Susan Chase, Lewiston, and Mrs. Edna Peterson, Pullman; a brother, the Rev. James Kole, Lapwai; five sisters, Mrs. Anna Teats, Elk, Mrs. Archie Forsyth, Spokane, and Mrs.

Minnie Andrews, Mrs. Maggie Ferguson and Mrs. Albert Kiesecker, all of Clarkston; two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. RIVERVIEW Retirement Home Open Daily E. 1801 Upriver Drive (North of WWP Co.) Reasonable Rates Write or Phone HU 3-6483 TODAY'S NEWS FIRST shoes shoe SALE By the Associated Press Three persons in Washington state drowned -all in holiday boating accidents- -and a woman on an outing near Kayak point in Snohomish county died from the effects of a bee sting.

Two drownings occurred yesterday-both in the Columbia river. Howard Gibbons, 21, Kennewick, was tossed into the Columbia near the mouth of the Yakima river from a boat towing a water skier. Victor A. Jones, 31, of Everett vanished' in the Columbia when an outboard motorboat capsized eight miles below Wenatchee. Neither body was recovered immediately.

The bee sting victim was Mrs. Georgina Heuer, 52, of Lake Stevens. She was dead on arrival at an Everett hospital yesterday after rushed from Kayak point on Puget sound near the Tulalip Indian reservation. Other accident victims included Guy McMurray, 50, Seattle, who drowned Saturday. New Fare Due VANTAGE, July 4.

Ginkgo Homemakers club will meet Wednesday noon in the community hall. Instead of the usual potluck luncheon, there will be a demonstration of sandwich making and these will be served. Licenses to Wed COEUR D'ALENE. Idaho. July Dean Fountain, 24, and Valeen Indermuhle.

26, both Spokane; D'Augustine. 43, and Marye Arvie A. Sullivan both Spokane: W. Goodman. 24.

Moses Lake, and Theodore M. Johnstone, 18, Spokane: James Griffith 18, and Joan Marie Raschka, 18. both Spokane: James S. Douglas, 22. and Susan L.

Anderson, 16, both Spokane: George Frank Adams, 21. and Diane Lee 17, 26. both Portland, Spokane; Stanley 10. well, Stempke: and Joyce El. Glide 20, Spokane.

David Charlamy Harold Johnson, 18, and Amy Cosman, 17, both Seattle; Lawrence E. Whitish, 34, and Donna M. Beckner, 27. both Seattle; Gerald Dalton. 37.

and Gertrude Kemery, 33, both Seattle: Wayne Dari Hendrickson, 27, and Beverly Ann winford. both Seattle: Bruce D. Morelan, 21, and Sharon Jean Iverson. 18, both Seattle: Charles Maurice Hendrickson, 30. and Elizabeth Ann Miller, 33..

both Seattle: William J. Mordord. 43, Vashon. and Bessie Sandstrom, 45, Seattle: John M. Suttie, 41, and Denise Pennock.

38. both Butte, Thomas Chrys Powell, 19, Amick, 17, Lakeside, Kalispell, Karen man J. Cook, 23. Tillicum. and Patricia M.

Schwab, 19, Puyallup, Wash. James Delwyn Freddengarger, Tieton. Wash. and Patricia Olva Wildman. 18, Yakima, Steven and Bette Stevens, Irene 21, Mullen, Mount 21.

Vernon. Sedro Wash. Woolley, Wash. Orville Flattum, 45, 39, Helix, and Lavina Kruse, Pendleton, Ore. Oren W.

Lierman. Jegal, and Ina Powell, legal, Missoula, Clarence E. Legitt. 23, Castleford, Idaho, and Patricia C. Alter 18, St.

Maries, Idaho: Craig Charles Kitelinger. 23, and Faye Ann Long. 19, both Yakima: Robert L. Lewis. 31.

and Sharon Moseley, 24. both st. Maries: George E. Bishop, 37, and Mary Richey, 20. both Wenatchee, Ronald J.

Wulf*ck, 22, Larson AFB. and Roberta Hamilton. 20. Moses Lake, Alvin Hanson. 27, and Carolyn Berg, 28.

both Seattle: Gary Fay Bryan, 22, and Lavonna Marie, Watson. 18, both Colville, Levi G. 39. and Lola P. Tanner, 45, both Longview, Fred A.

Divers, 21, Woodward. loRE. Idaho, and Carol 21. Wardner, Idaho; Charles. Walter Nelson.

22. Ohio. and Jeannette Doris Wizno wich. Vancouver, B. Jeffrey Joe Shockley Worth, Texas.

and Sharon Pave 21. Vancouver. B. Philip J. Lesser and Delia M.


Internal Medicine M. R. EBNER President, First National Bank, Pullman RESOURCES WRAY D. FARMIN Vice President, Day Mines, Ine. Cash and Due from Banks 23,682,300.21 Mines Director, Pend Metals Oreille Co.

United States Government A. G. Sunnyside FLEMING Obligations 38,544,454.59 HALVOR M. HALVORSON President, H. Halvorson, Ine.

Other Bonds and Investments 13,612,208.98 General Contractor ELMER C. HUNTLEY Call Loans and Commercial Paper 5,000,000.00 Farming WALTER M. LEUTHOLD Federal Reserve Bank Stock 285,000.00 Lumberman Loans and Discounts (less JACK G. Consolidated NEUPERT Co. President, Supply reserves) 70,106,080.76 ROBERT A.

PATERSON President, The Crescent Banking Houses, Furniture, President, Spokane Dry Goods Co. and Fixtures 2,392,057.27 WILLIAM D. ROBERTS President, Union Iron Works Accrued Interest Receivable 1,058,469.37 EDWARD President, Leonard Matthews Ryan Other Assets 115,467.16 A. Executive President W. E.

TOLLENAAR $154,796,038.34 Spokane DEWITT E. WALLACE President W. W. WITHERSPOON Witherspoon, Keller, Davenport LIABILITIES Toole OFFICERS Deposits $140,296,101.07 President Other Liabilities 424,980.66 DEWITT E. WALLACE Chairman of the Board Reserve for Interest, Taxes and W.

W. WITHERSPOON Expenses 1,081,504.19 Executive Vice President Deferred Income 845,645.06 L. A. STILSON Vice President and Capital Stock $3,750,000.00 Branch Supervisor Surplus 5,750,000.00 EDWIN F. BRANDT Undivided Profits 2,647,807.36 12,147,807.36 Vice Presidents RALPH M.


SMITH Vice President and Cashier LESTER J. PAFF. Total Deposits in the Spokane and Spokane Assistant Vice Presidents Valley Offices as of June 15, 1960: RAY A. BARTROFF ERIC R. ERICSON CHAS.

P. KEENAN office $61,910.032.11 CHARLES M. LESLIE CARL T. SPLIID East Side office 7,444,956.66 Assistant Cashiers First Avenue office 2,685.794.39 RAYMOND T. BIGELOW JOHN D.

BOYLE North Division office 7,131,332.77 THOMAS S. GIBONEY DAVID C. HOAG Garland Avenue office 4,819,858.30 EDWIN W. HOVIG Shadle Park office 1,454,247.26 ELLIS H. HYATT LEE R.

KIEHN Manito office 2,206,858.77 KENNETH J. LEHRMAN STANLEY M. MARTIN Northtown office 492,385.74 JOHN McCARTHY 1,244,857.10 EDNA H. REGAN Greenacres office JOHN J. SUVER WM.

E. SYLVESTER Vice President and Parking Branch and Fairchild Facility office. Trust Officer LUTHER C. FENDLER Assistant Vice President and Trust Officer WALTER A. DAWSON Trust Officers OLD NATIONAL M.

ELDRICH LOUIS L. BRUNK REHN Assistant Trust Officer ONB So MARVIN SOEHREN Bank 25 EASTERN WASHINGTON OFFICES Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and Federal Reserve System.

Spokane Chronicle from Spokane, Washington (2024)


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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

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Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.